

Healthcare online Keeping you up-to-date
VOL. 21  ISSUE:  6  June  2023 Medical Services Department

SQUARE Pharmaceuticals Ltd.





P G Dip. Business Management







Welcome to our healthcare bulletin 'e-SQUARE' ! We hope you are enjoying our online bulletin.

Our current issue focused on some interesting features like -

"Dengue Virus !", "Diabetes Remission !", "Hypertension Risk !", "Maternal Stress !,  "Mental Disorders !", "Iron Deficiency !".

In our regular feature, we have some products information of SQUARE Pharmaceuticals Ltd. as well.

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Editorial Team

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The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of its editor or SQUARE Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Dengue Virus !

                          Mosquito saliva can weaken body's defenses against dengue virus

Dengue has spread in tropical and subtropical areas such as Southeast Asia, Africa and Latin America. The new discovery, scientists explain why the disease is so easily transmitted and could eventually lead to new ways to prevent infection. It is remarkable how clever these viruses are they subvert mosquito biology to tamp down our immune responses so that infection can take hold. Approximately half the world's population is at risk for dengue, and roughly 400 million people are infected every year. Dengue's symptoms, including fever, nausea, and skin rash, are often mistaken for other diseases. Most people will have mild cases, but about 1 in 20 will develop severe illness that can lead to shock, internal bleeding and death. Unfortunately, it's possible to contract dengue repeatedly, as it is caused by four related viruses transmitted primarily by the Aedes aegypti species of mosquito. There is no treatment, but the new discovery identifies an important contributor to the disease's spread as researchers seek to find better ways to combat it. The scientists found that infected mosquitoes' saliva contained not just the expected dengue virus but a powerful conspirator: molecules produced by the virus that can blunt the body's immune response. The injection of these molecules, called sfRNAs, during the mosquito bite makes it more likely that the victim will become infected with dengue. Scientists who study mosquitoes previously had suspected that the insects' saliva might contain some type of payload to enhance the potential for infection. The new findings pinpoints one weapon in the viruses' arsenal and opens the door to finding new ways to help reduce transmission and control the disease's spread. For now, the best way to avoid getting seriously sick with dengue remains to avoid getting bitten. These findings provide new perspectives on how counteract dengue virus infections from the very first bite of the mosquito.

SOURCE: Science Daily News, June 2023

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Diabetes Remission !

                        Exercise help counteract genetic risk of disease

The study found higher levels of total physical activity, especially moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity, had a strong association with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The researchers said that the study demonstrates higher levels of physical activity should be promoted as a major strategy for type 2 diabetes prevention. The study involved 59,325 adults who wore accelerometers (activity trackers worn on their wrist) at the start of the study and were then followed for up to seven years to track health outcomes. This included genetic markers associated with a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. People with a high genetic risk score had 2.4 times the risk of developing type 2 diabetes when compared with those with a low genetic risk score. The study showed more than an hour of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity per day was associated with a 74 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes when compared with participants who did less than 5 minutes of physical activity. Researcher are unable to control our genetic risk and family history, but this finding provides promising and positive news that through an active lifestyle, one can 'fight off' much of the excessive risk for type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is a global public health concern. In 2021, there were 537 million adults living with diabetes worldwide. This study will inform public health and clinical guidelines so that it can help chronic disease prevention. Research results with a broad audience to let people know that physical activity is health-enhancing, especially for people with high genetic risk..

SOURCE: Science Daily News, June 2023

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Hypertension Risk !

                                             Road noise makes the blood pressure rise

The studies have shown a connection between noisy road traffic and increased risk of hypertension. However, strong evidence was lacking, and it was unclear whether noise or air pollution played a bigger role. The new research shows that it is exposure to road traffic noise itself that can elevate hypertension risk. Previous studies it was showed that traffic noise and hypertension were linked, but failed to show a causal relationship. Researchers analyzed data from more than 240,000 people (aged 40 to 69 years) who started out without hypertension. They estimated road traffic noise based on residential address and the Common Noise Assessment Method. Using follow-up data over a median 8.1 years, they looked at how many people developed hypertension. Not only did they find that people living near road traffic noise were more likely to develop hypertension, they also found that risk increased in tandem with the noise "dose." However, people who had high exposure to both traffic noise and air pollution had the highest hypertension risk, showing that air pollution plays a role as well. The findings can support public health measures because they confirm that exposure to road traffic noise is harmful to our blood pressure. Policymaking may alleviate the adverse impacts of road traffic noise as a societal effort, such as setting stricter noise guideline and enforcement, improving road conditions and urban design, and investing advanced technology on quieter vehicles. As a follow-up, field studies are underway to better understand the pathophysiological mechanisms through which road noise affects hypertension

SOURCE: Science Daily News, June 2023

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Maternal Stress !

                              Impact of maternal stress during pregnancy on child's health

Prenatal maternal stress life events are associated with adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes in offspring. Biological mechanisms underlying these associations are largely unknown, but a chemical reaction in the body in which a small molecule known as a methyl group gets added to DNA, called DNA methylation, likely plays a role, according to researchers. These findings could provide new insights into how the fetal environment potentially influences not only neurodevelopment, but metabolism and immunologic functions as well. More than 5,500 people took part in the study with that population broken down into 12 separate cohorts. The research examines five separate categories of stress that expectant mothers face during pregnancy. They are financial stress, conflict with a partner, conflict with a family member or friend and death of a friend or relative, plus a cumulative score that combines all the categories. Researcher found that when a mother experienced a cumulative amount of stress during pregnancy, there was, in fact, an association with DNA methylation in umbilical cord blood, which is a kind of epigenetic modification in the baby that's developing in the womb. An epigenetic modification is something that doesn't change the sequence of the DNA, however the DNA is modified which is something that's dynamic and can change in response to environmental exposures. Therefore, it's something that can be turned on or off later in the child's life or something that can maybe not do anything, it's still unknown. It's thought to be a mechanism of gene expression control. Epigenetic modifications are a very dynamic process, there are a lot of changes that can happen in response to environmental factors. What you're seeing biologically at the beginning of fetal development you might not see the outcome of until later on during a child's development. It's fascinating as a biologist to begin to uncover some of the biological clues to how neurodevelopment is affected during fetal development.

SOURCE: Science Daily News, June 2023

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Mental Disorders !

     Obesity increases risk of mental disorders throughout life

Researchers analyzed a population in order to determine the relative risks of comorbidities in obesity and identify statistically significant sex differences. Consequently, it became evident that an obesity diagnosis significantly enhances the likelihood of a wide range of mental disorders across all age groups including depression, nicotine addiction, psychosis, anxiety, eating and personality disorders. In order to find out which illness typically appeared prior and subsequently to the obesity diagnosis, Researher had to develop a new method. This allowed the researchers to determine if there were trends and typical patterns in disease occurrence. In case of all co-diagnoses, with the exception of the psychosis spectrum, obesity was in all likelihood the first diagnosis made prior to the manifestation of a psychiatric diagnosis. The researchers found significant gender differences for most disorders - with women showing an increased risk for all disorders except schizophrenia and nicotine addiction. While 16.66% of obese men also suffer from nicotine abuse disorder, this is only the case in up to 8.58% of obese women. The opposite is true for depression. The rate of diagnosed depressive episodes was almost three times higher in obese women (13.3% obese; 4.8% non-obese). Obese men were twice as likely to be affected (6.61% obese; 3.21% non-obese).At present, obesity is a highly prevalent disease worldwide and affects more than 670 million people. The fact that the disease promotes metabolic disorders and serious cardio-metabolic complications) has already been extensively researched. Since this study now also shows that obesity often precedes severe mental disorders, the findings underscore its importance as a pleiotropic risk factor for health problems of all kinds. For this reason, thorough screening for mental health problems in obese patients is urgently needed to facilitate prevention or ensure that appropriate treatment can be given.

SOURCE: Science Daily News, June 2023

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Iron Deficiency !

                                               One in two pregnancies are affected by iron deficiency

Half of pregnant women who had a simple blood test to check their iron stores had low iron levels, and one in four had severe iron deficiency. But despite how common iron deficiency is, 40% of pregnant women in this large regional study never had their iron levels checked, and women of lower socioeconomic status were less likely to get tested. Researchers said the findings underscore the need to revisit clinical guidelines to ensure that ferritin testing, the standard measure of iron deficiency, is included as a routine part of maternal care and pregnancy health screenings. Iron requirements in pregnancy are high to support the developing fetus, the growing placenta, and the increased blood supply needed to sustain the pregnancy. This demand for iron increases over the course of pregnancy. Iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia during pregnancy, which has been linked to poorer outcomes for both mother and baby, including a higher risk of premature delivery, low birth weight, post-partum depression, and even maternal death. The study included 44,552 pregnant women who received prenatal testing at community laboratories to determine how often ferritin testing was offered. Researchers also sought to provide more robust data about the prevalence and severity of iron deficiency among pregnant women and to identify whether certain clinical or demographic factors played a role in the likelihood of someone receiving a ferritin test. Altogether, about 60% of patients got a ferritin test during pregnancy; 40% did not. Most tests were ordered by general practitioners (48%) and obstetricians/gynecologists (32%). The vast majority of ferritin testing (71%) occurred at or around the time of the first prenatal visit, when the risk of iron deficiency is lowest and, often, patients' iron levels were only checked once during their pregnancy. Researchers said Iron deficiency becomes more common as women progress through pregnancy.

SOURCE: Science Daily News, June 2023

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Products of SQUARE Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

  Product Antiscar TM
  Generic Name Extractum Cepae +Heparin +Allantoin
  Strength 100 mg+ 0.278 mg+10 mg
  Dosage form Gel
Therapeutic Category Antiscar
  Product Nomi TM
Generic Name



2.5 mg/spray

Dosage form Nasal Spray
Therapeutic Category Antimigraine
  Product Magnide TM
  Generic Name Magnesium Oxide

365 mg

  Dosage form Tablet
  Therapeutic Category Mineral

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